Welcome to Mukka Motorsport

Privacy Policy

Mukka Motorsport Limited (“Mukka Motorsport”, “we”, “us”, “our”) values the relationship we have with you. Whether you are a Mukka Motorsport customer or other user of our products or services, we are committed to safeguarding your personal information and privacy rights generally.

This Privacy Policy applies to all information about an identifiable individual (“personal information”) under our control, including personal information collected through our website. This Privacy Policy sets out how we will collect, use, disclose and protect such personal information.

By using our website, completing any form with us (including to submit orders) or corresponding or interacting with us, you accept the terms of this Privacy Policy.

How we collect personal information

We may collect personal information when you visit our website, engage with us or order products from us. We collect personal information in the following ways:

Information you provide to us directly: When you use parts of our website or services or place an order for products through our website, we may ask you to provide personal information to us. For example, we may collect information (including personal information) from you when you complete any form on our website, join us on social media, participate in promotions or giveaways, contact us with questions or request support. If you do not wish to provide us with personal information, we may not be able to provide our products or services to you.

Information we collect automatically: When you access our website and social media accounts, we may use automated technology (such as cookies, web beacons and other tracking technologies) to collect and store certain information about how you use our products and services and interact with us.

Information we collect through third parties: Sometimes we may collect information (including personal information) about you from other sources, such as our brand, marketing and research partners. We use this information to supplement the personal information we already hold about you, in order to provide, better inform, personalise or improve our products and services, and to validate the personal information you provide to us.

How we may use personal information

We use your personal information to provide our website, products and services to you, and to manage our relationship with you, and for purposes directly related to such purposes or as you otherwise authorise.

Our uses may include:

To communicate with you – this may include to provide you with information (including products and services) you have requested from us, information we are required to send you, customer service and support and marketing communications. We may contact you through a variety of channels, including, but not limited to, email, telephone, text message and in-product communications. We will respect your communications preferences and you can unsubscribe from electronic communications in accordance with applicable laws;

For publicity purposes- if you accept a prize under any giveaway promotion draw we undertake from time to time, you agree (under the giveaway promotion terms and conditions) to participate in and co-operate with reasonable publicity and marketing activities;

To enhance our websites, products and services and develop new ones – for example, we may monitor certain uses of our website and services, to carry out technical analysis of our website and services and to enable us to keep improving our websites, products and services;

To protect – to protect and/or enforce our legal rights and interests; and

To analyse, aggregate and report – for example, to carry out research, marketing and sales analysis and profiling and create statistical information.

How we can share your personal information

There will be times we may need to share your personal data with third parties in connection with our products and services and for directly related purposes, or as permitted by applicable laws (including where you authorise disclosure).

These third parties may include trusted third-party service providers who assist us in delivering our products and services, including, but not limited to, payment processors, communications service providers, third party freight and logistics providers, and advertisers and analytics providers that require non-identifiable data to provide relevant advertising or analytical information.

We will not disclose your personal information to third parties unless for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy. If at any time we need to share personal information outside of New Zealand to an overseas agency that may use the information for its own purposes, we will put safeguards in place, in accordance with New Zealand law, to ensure the personal information remains protected.


We take reasonable steps to ensure the security of your personal information, and to protect against loss, unauthorised access, use, modification or disclosure, or other misuse.


We will retain your personal information for as long as we have a relationship with you and for a period of time afterwards where we have an ongoing business need to retain it (for example, to provide you with a service you have requested or to comply with any applicable legal, tax or accounting requirements). Once personal information is no longer required, we will make sure it is deleted or anonymised.

Your rights

You may request access to, or correction of, any personal information we hold about you by contacting us at [email].

To ensure that the personal information we hold about you is accurate and current, please notify us of any changes to your personal information as soon as possible.

You are welcome to contact us at [email] if you have any complaints or concerns about personal information or in relation to this Privacy Policy.